Interpreting the Actions of Others

The late journalist David Carrā€™s ā€œThe Night of the Gunā€ is a memoir about his struggles with addiction and the untrustworthiness of oneā€™s own memories. As he tried to piece together the truth about his past by interviewing the people in his life, he quickly realized that most of his memories and judgments about people were incorrect.

Some of it was the drugs, of course, but much of the errors in his memory were caused by human nature ā€“ we see things through our own filters, and create narratives that fit our needs at the time (usually making us look better in the process).

After interviewing dozens of people about his own past, he eventually learned that getting to an absolute, verifiable truth of what actually happened doesnā€™t matter all that much, because thereā€™s a bigger truth about people:

ā€œMost stories about oneā€™s past could fairly and adequately be told in a single sentence, and a short one at that: Everyone did the best they could.ā€

This line has become something of a mantra for me. Now when I see someone act in a way I think is obviously wrong, I try not to swiftly write them off as either evil or an idiot. Maybe they donā€™t know something I know. Maybe they know something I donā€™t! They might be facing obstacles that Iā€™m entirely unaware of. Regardless of the outcome, they most likely didnā€™t make a mistake on purpose but did the best with the resources available at the time.

Assuming good intentions in others is a liberating mindset when dealing with other people. It frees up the mental space I would have spent fuming about why that jerk cut in front of me in the grocery store line yesterday, and also lets me approach new relationships with trust and openness.

Related: If you havenā€™t heard it yet (or recently), David Foster Wallaceā€™s ā€œThis is Waterā€ is a poignant commencement address he delivered at Kenyon College about this same theme. Highly, highly recommended.

Mark Allen

Written by Mark Allen, a product manager and designer currently based in Toronto. Say hello on Twitter.

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